The Syllabus
What do we offer?

Mindfulness 101
(90 minutes)
Meet the Mindful Monkey and her friends Breathing Bobby, Sensory Sally and Emotional Eric and learn about being emotion detectives the power of breathing and our senses.
Students learn the basics of mindfulness in a format they will never forget! Full of dance, song, puppetry, craft, yoga and interactive mindfulness exercises.
Students make their own calm down glitter jars they can use to practice their new mindfulness techniques
Receive a Teacher Resource Pack and access to our Mindful Brain Break YouTube videos to continue practising mindfulness for the whole year!

Mindfulness 102
(70 mins)
For students who have completed Mindfulness 101 (usually Year 1 or 2 students)
Emotional Eric struggles to name his emotions and use Mindfulness after his friend Tango moves away
Catch up with the Mindful Monkey and her friends again and delve deeper into the world of mindfulness
Students create their own meditation breathing buddies
Receive an updated Teacher Resource Pack

Mindfulness 103
(70 mins)
For students who have completed Mindfulness 101 and Mindfulness 102 (usually Year 2 students))
Students and Breathing Bobby, Sensory Sally and Emotional Eric use everything they’ve learnt so far to bring the Mindful Monkey back into a state of Mindfulness after her disastrous visit to ‘Big Tree City’
Additional focus on gratitude and Mindful Habits
Book Your Spot
1 hr 30 min
$15 per student1 hr 10 min
$12 per student1 hr 10 min
$12 per student
My Journey
My journey to mindfulness began when I was a first year teacher severely overwhelmed and struggling to stay present. My mind was such a blur of emotional and mental activity that I found it hard to be in the moment with my hilarious, individual and often challenging students - which was the very reason I first went into teaching!
Coming home burnt out one night I decided to download the Headspace app and try their ten day trial. The first time I sat to meditate I couldn't keep my mind quiet for more than a second at a time but I'd heard too many good things about meditation to give up. By the end of ten days I started to look forward to my meditation time and was already starting to notice a difference. There was a small pocket of peace in my brain, it was growing, and over time it became larger and more and more accessible. I came back to this space when I was feeling overwhelmed and took this peace back into my voice, my manner and the way I dealt with chaos in the classroom.
I continued meditating almost everyday for the next five years, saw the effects of using Smiling Mind meditations in my own classroom, went on to do 100 hours of meditation on a 10 day silent retreat, got my yoga teacher certification for kids and adults, and completed Mindfulness Fundamentals and Mindfulness for Educators courses through Mindful Schools. Seeing the effects of mindfulness on my life I developed a growing desire to bring the invaluable skill of mindfulness to students at a young age.
And so the Mindful Monkey was born...

Breathing Bobby
Breathing Bobby grew up by the ocean. His friends asked him why he was always so chill and he realised it was because his breath always flowed strong and deep like the smooth flow of the waves.
He watched people getting angry, frustrated and stressed around him and discovered that his breath was his own secret weapon. He has now become a 'Breath Expert' and is a master of all types of breathing. He always loves to share his skills with his new friends.

Sensory Sally
Sensory Sally loves the finer things in life. Growing up she had Super Senses that her parents never quite understood. They were always calling for her to hurry up as she lay staring at the beautiful patterns in a leaf or smelling a new type of flower.
She was an expert on all different types of bird calls by the time she four, and always eats every meal slowly and carefully with a huge smile on her face. She gets very excited about training young Mindful Masters to use their Super Senses!

Emotional Eric
Ever since Emotional Eric can remember he has been obsessed with the world of emotions. He loves to feel every emotion: anger, sadness. pride, joy, anxiety, surprise, playfulness because it reminds him that he is alive! When he was a very young monkey he realised that not everyone could describe how they were feeling like he could and saw that some monkeys got stuck in their monkey minds with repetitive, difficult emotions.
Being full of warmth and compassion Eric decided to teach people to recognise emotions in their bodies like him and treat their emotions like friends instead of enemies.