Our Services
1 hr 30 min
$15 per student1 hr 10 min
$12 per student1 hr 10 min
$12 per student
The Syllabus
What.do we offer?
Mindfulness Fundamentals (90 mins)*
Learn about being emotion detectives, the power of breathing and our senses with the Mindful Monkey and her friends Breathing Bobby, Sensory Sally and Emotional Eric
Make mindful monkey sock puppets as classroom meditation buddies
Receive a Teacher Resource Pack and access to our Mindful Brain Break YouTube videos to continue practising mindfulness for the WHOLE YEAR!
Mindfulness – Keep in Touch (60 mins)*
Learn more about your favourite new friends, go on a Super Hearing Forest Walk, and spin the Action Wheel!
Make 'Calm Down' glitter jars
Receive an updated Teacher Resource Pack
*for students who have previously completed Mindfulness Fundamentals
Mindful Teacher PD Session
Interactive and fun!
Develop a crystal clear understanding of what mindfulness is
Practise a range of mindfulness exercises and learn how to incorporate mindfulness into your own life
Learn strategies for working with students who struggle to be mindful and often need it the most!
Learn how to powerfully describe the importance of mindfulness to parents
Important Information
The same space will be required if there are multiple workshops scheduled
Halls, music rooms, multipurpose rooms are preferred over classrooms. A generous open space at the front and the ability to set up tables at the back is required.
The Mindful Monkey will arrive an hour before start time for set up, and pack down for 30 minutes after the last workshop
Workshops run for 60-90 minutes
There is a maximum of 30 students per workshop
We will structure the sessions around your school timetable
Teachers must be present during the workshop
The balance is required two weeks after workshop delivery
Mindful Teacher PD sessions require 30 min set-up
Got Questions?
Contact us for for further info.